10 ordspråk av Cliff Stearns

Cliff Stearns

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 DeLay has a lot of power, ... I always believe power should be diffused.

 Even if cloning begins with a benign purpose, it could lead to scientific categories of superior and inferior people,

 I think it's reasonable to assume that if you don't test, you won't find out.

 I think to be prudent, less than $1 billion is more appropriate,

 intended to bankrupt the firearms industry.

 It's not clear how cable operators could insert a label,

 That we can agree on the penalties is very important, ... It's good news for trying to pass a steroid bill.

 There's a subtle undertow here about buy America, ... This bill has picked up a little bit of steam because of that.

 This is a promise and not a policy, ... I've dealt with them before in a hearing and they made promises and nothing happened. I'm not convinced.

 This is legislation that consumers deserve if we are to help them and our economy defeat the growing menace of identity theft.

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