529 ordspråk av Clint Hurdle

Clint Hurdle

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 Right now, ... anything I'd say is speculation.

 Skill. He's hit everywhere he's been. I don't think he's ever not hit. You might have to check Little League and junior high. Ever since we've had him, he's hit.

 Some times the male ego gets in the way of a lot of things.

 Somehow we have to find a way to get him involved.

 Someone needs to step forward.

 Someone once said in a game of tug of war that the side with the better toe hold has the edge.

 Sometimes a change of scenery can help out with the confidence level. That's as good an outing as you're going to see at this ballpark for as long as it stands here.

 Sometimes I play a guy just because I want to play him.

 Sometimes we are going to slow him down a little bit.

 Spinning out of his delivery. Most of the times when he misses, it's (to his) arm side.

 Teams had issues to deal with over the winter. We had less than most anybody because we had so much more movement the last few years.

 That is a tradition I hold in high esteem. Taking a lap around to shake a hand or flash a smile is just a little bit extra to show we appreciate what (the fans) do for us.

 That is never going to happen again. (Sullivan) got outside himself. He was thinking about breaking up a double play. That's priority 'z' in that situation.

 That kind of stuff, the notoriety, the pomp and circumstance, I think he's aware of it, but he doesn't get taken aback by it, nor does he get a big head over it. He's a very even-tempered kid. I just think he probably expects more of himself than [the fans and media] ever will.

 That throw out is a huge play.

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