189 ordspråk av Colin Montgomerie

Colin Montgomerie

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 I'm delighted to be in this position,

 I'm delighted, especially coming back the way we did, ... To win the singles 7-3 was a real team effort.

 I'm excited about it.

 I'm fortunate I can pick someone of Casey's stature,

 I'm fortunate I can pick someone of Casey's stature.

 I'm glad to get in with a 69,

 I'm jet-lagged, tired, and didn't play very well and that all adds up

 I'm not too sure about the likeness, but it's great what she's done.

 I'm not worried about the Order of Merit - I've got the T-shirt for that - but the Ryder Cup points are crucial,

 I'm only glad that I was able to score 66 in very difficult circumstances,

 I'm relaxed, my back is better than it's ever been and I have Alastair (MacLean) back on the bag. I am happy, actually, and it does help. I'm happier than I've ever been, on and off the course.

 I'm sure they still feel there is a safety issue here in Europe.

 I'm tired, very tired,

 I'm very hurt and very surprised (by Evans' comments) but I'm very glad I was able to go out and prove to myself and everyone else that I can still do this, and do what I do best.

 I've been told I'm too young,

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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