4 ordspråk av Dakota Crow

Dakota Crow

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 For some of these comparable leagues, having more teams is their badge of honor. But that's not right for us. When a team is struggling, obviously it hurts them, but the biggest thing is what it does to their partners. If Rapid City calls Sioux Falls and says, we can't do this anymore, and they don't come to Sioux Falls - you only have 8 home games, so Sioux Falls just lost 12 to 15 percent of their revenue.

 I can't imagine a new team will do a lot better, at least not right away. I think they went after a short term solution. I wish they would've worked with us for a long term solution.

 It was everything we could want in a championship game.

 We're gonna be more aggressive with expansion, but it makes good sense not to have too many teams. I think history is going to prove itself here - the smaller, tighter controlled leagues are the ones that last and that people want to be in. We've built some great rivalries and we have a chance to build more.

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