Do yourself and your loved ones a huge favor and GET CHECKED REGULARLY, ... I promise you, you DON'T want to go through what I’m going through if you can avoid it. |
In our first 14 months of treatment, we have succeeded in slowing the progression of my prostate cancer down to an almost negligible level, ... (My wife) Jean and I are thrilled and incredibly relieved and finally feel like we can at last take a breath. |
not only misrepresent(ed) the extent of my illness but also the treatment involved. |
Run For the Roses. |
While we understand that what we’re dealing with is a long term condition that will have to be dealt with, monitored and treated for probably the rest of my life, we are terribly encouraged to have come so far, so fast, ... It has certainly been the most trying experience of our lives and yet has proven to be one of the most illuminating as well. |