10 ordspråk av Dan Strojan

Dan Strojan

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 He's so athletic, he makes it tough on guys. When he's out of the game, they're not as strong inside.

 Hess really gave us a spark. He moves real well for a big kid.

 I don't know how you pick up an offensive foul when you get your nose broken, but I guess that's how it goes.

 I think he'll be able to play with a broken nose. It's not a lot of fun, but it's not like a broken wrist.

 I told Gabe if they put pressure on us and we didn't have the time to run what we want to run, then create and make something happen and he did.

 Riley's the best defensive player in the (SPSL) North. He just stuck on (Kilpatrick) and I think he was pretty frustrated by the end of the night.

 To hold them to half of what they're used to getting at their place is something we can be proud of.

 We were pleased with the shots we were getting, we just didn't hit anything. Defensively, we did a pretty good job of keeping them in front of us, but they're so quick. And they started to hurt us on the offensive glass as well.

 We're familiar with them. Both teams will be upset and ready to go. It will come down to who wants it more.

 We've been wrestling with it and tried to see if it would work. I don't know if there's ever a good time to leave, but you have to do what's best for your family.

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