A few short years ago, those numbers would have been laughed at as impossible goals. Our agency is constantly examining its strategies and looking at outcomes to determine how we can help the mining industry drive fatality, injury and illness rates down to zero. |
A lot of people are drawn to the notion of a cheap fix, ... There is no cheap fix for the viaduct. |
Alcohol and drug abuse by miners threatens the safety of their colleagues, and that cannot be tolerated. |
At this time, we have no information that would suggest that the explosion was related to a recurrence of any of the conditions that were required to be abated before the explosion. |
both a strong marketplace among community hospitals for information technology and our competitive success within that marketplace. |
I am asking miners and management at every mine operation to do the right thing: Take one hour out for safety's sake this Monday. Be proactive in preventing future accidents and saving lives. |
MSHA and the state will do all we can to determine what caused this accident so we can continue to improve the safety protections for all miners. |
MSHA will take every step to protect the miners' interest in a fair and open investigation into this tragic accident, including ensuring that the UMWA can participate fully as the miners' representative. We made a commitment to the miners and the families on this. We are elated that the court agreed that the rights of miners' representatives must be protected. |
Much more work needs to be done. But this updates the information and frames the issue for us better. We bracketed the best and worst case. |
The scheme to maintain traffic on the viaduct is very complicated, and there's a lot of risk associated with it that needs to be more thoroughly evaluated. |
This emergency rulemaking will require the use of proven technologies and techniques to help miners evacuate quickly and safely after a mine accident. We are using the emergency temporary standard to get help into the field as fast as possible. MSHA is moving forward on every front to better protect miners' safety and health. |
This year's tragic mine accidents in West Virginia require immediate action to put in place additional safety requirements to help miners successfully evacuate a mine when an emergency occurs. MSHA is moving forward on every front to improve protections for miners' safety and health. |
We are very concerned about what is going on in West Virginia. |
We are very interested in interviewing Mr. McCloy as part of our investigation, and we hope it would be appropriate to do so soon. |
We're looking for a subset of the most promising ones. |