5 ordspråk av David Storrie

David Storrie

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 But it would not necessarily be called for since they have performed. You can look at the situation now and look at the glass half-empty or half-full. Everybody needs to be comfortable with the deal, but the city has to let the developer follow its own path. It's been conveyed to the council previously that the clubhouse wouldn't proceed unless the hotel did. As of right now they're not bothering with the hotel until they can get the deed changed.

 It's not easy to move a $25 million hotel development from Point A to Point B without a lot of questions coming up. Sometimes we don't get the questions addressed right up to the vote. That's just politics.

 Rather than debate it in public, they've asked me to postpone it so we can discuss some unresolved issues.

 There was a fine line of what the developer could live with in order to get permanent financing for the project. One of the things you worry about is you don't want to put something on your development that's a competing project with something else on your property. You also don't want to have an overlap of amenities.

 We've made a better effort to educate the council on the overall project. The council had some objections about removing the permanent habitation clause, so we've softened the language, and there's still going to be no permanent habitation on the acreage where the hotel will be. We've made it a friendlier document.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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