8 ordspråk av David Stremme

David Stremme

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 I think you'll have to make the Chase to win it. Look at Carl Edwards. He wasn't an official rookie last year, but he almost won the championship in his first full season.

 I want Reed to win rookie of the year if I can't. He feels the same way about me. Reed and I are relying on one another.

 I wish I could go back and race against David Pearson and Richard Petty.

 It's such a long race. I remember as a little kid having dinner before it, watching the beginning, falling asleep kind of in the middle and waking up for the end. It's almost kind of like the 24-hour race, so much can happen. It comes down to the last little bit and if you're around, you have a chance.

 Scott (Pruett) took me out and gave me a few pointers on the track but you really don't feel it until you get out there yourself. This place is pretty neat, especially with the tight corners and elevation changes. It's going to be a challenge (in June).

 The main thing is gain respect from these guys and not doing anything stupid.

 We haven't by no means had a spectacular year or even a decent year, and you can't really pit it on one person. We haven't run well, so we did some changes around. It's not like we brought in anybody different. We did some swapping around with the teams, and I think it will benefit us.

 We showed a little better at Texas (two weeks ago), but I'm not happy with how the season has been. We just needed a change.

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