Advances at the upper reaches of high performance computing such as these often find powerful applications in the broad spectrum of government, industrial and commercial arenas. IBM 's close working relationship with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has resulted in another significant achievement with the potential to improve the lives of people everywhere. |
It's really a fundamental breakthrough. |
The real story sitting in the background is about this explosion of data. The fact of the matter is that we haven't really addressed the ability to feed these progressively faster computers. |
This is as fast as this will get under the contract we have, but it's not limited to be only this fast. If Livermore were to have an interest in taking it bigger, we could do that. |
We are very committed to the supercomputing business at large, as evidenced by the fact that today we have something in the order of 145 of the top 500 supercomputers in the world. |
While that's not a majority, it certainly is a substantially greater amount than any of the other players on that list. |