9 ordspråk av Derek Stingley

Derek Stingley

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 At this point, wins mean more. It won't be right for him to keep failing and me keep him on (the team). It's not fair, and I'd have to change all of that.

 I didn't want to get on them too bad because I saw so much better out of them. I didn't want them to go deeper into the tank, because they were there; they know what happened. As a head coach, I told them, 'I take this loss because I didn't prepare you properly.' But I told them I was only taking one game.

 I haven't announced my starting quarterback, but I am almost certain it will be (Elliott). In my opinion, he is one of the best, and I think he is up for it. I didn't realize how good of an athlete he is.

 I know what I did not like, and what formations gave me problems. We are a defensive team first, (but) we have some great receivers, and my quarterback, (Elliott), I praise him.

 It's a let down when we miss extra points after those guys play hard and try hard for those six points. It's killing us.

 The hardest part about the loss is that we lost at home, and you always want to start off on a good note. It was a humbling experience to lose the way we lost, but I told the team that we are going to watch film and just learn from our mistakes. Then we are going to move on.

 They had the same game plan that we did, and that was ball control.

 We did improve. We were able to move the ball this time, but we did have some missed throws. It (stinks) to be 0-2, but we still have a long season.

 We're going to have to work on that. But I am not giving up on (Jung) yet. It's only his second arena football game.

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