9 ordspråk av Dion Custis

Dion Custis

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 (He) is not a cold-blooded murderer, ladies and gentlemen, he reacted. There was no thought process.

 Alcohol will be an issue. Methamphetamine ... is a big issue and had a big part in this case.

 He hit him too many times. The question is why.

 He was under the impression by his trial counsel that he would receive a probationary sentence. The cumulative error in this case is something this court should look at.

 I'm asking you to find him guilty, but find him guilty for what he did.

 The jury should be able to hear who Aaron McKinney is.

 This story about that makes absolutely no sense. This is a story likened to a fairy tale in their marijuana-soaked minds.

 We have a prosecutor related to three victims, a judge related to a brother who was an interested person. I don't think I've ever seen this happen before.

 We're not going to contest the cause of death or that he died as a result of a beating from Aaron McKinney along with Russell Henderson .

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