21 ordspråk av Dominique Moisi

Dominique Moisi

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 Chirac is saying: France is adapting. We are applying the same strategic thought but to deeply different circumstances.

 For the first time in a major European country, the extreme right is close to 20 percent. It's happened in medium-sized countries like Austria, but not in one of the big three. It's in a way a crisis of democracy. It's really bad news, not only for France, but for Europe and democracy in Europe.

 Germany is paralyzed at the worst time for European diplomacy, ... were looking for a stronger, more united, cooperative Europe. Obviously, they are not going to have it.

 He gives the impression of being a president who's been overtaken by events and is out of touch.

 He's caught between his own contradictions. A lot will depend on the way people judge the present event. Will they say, 'We need a tough guy and Sarkozy is the right man.'? Or has Sarkozy been playing with fire and he's getting what he deserved? That's the big issue in political terms: Will it serve him or will it destroy him?

 I don't think that it is impossible to carry out reform in France. The real crisis is a crisis of confidence.

 If we do it through NATO we'll give further encouragement to all those who are condemning the white man and are fueling the clash of civilizations, they will use it against us. They will use it against us.

 If we do it through NATO we'll give further encouragement to all those who are condemning the white man and are fueling the clash of civilizations. They will use it against us.

 In 1968, after 30 years of full employment and economic growth, students were bored to death. Today, after 20 years of unemployment, the students of 2006 are looking for security.

 It looks like '68. It smells like '68. It sounds like '68. But it's not.

 President Chirac has told him to back down as he was leading the country to the wall. He tried to convince himself he could be France's Margaret Thatcher, but forgot he was only the number two.

 Sharon has transformed his image from that of a headstrong adventurer into a father of the nation. Like a good wine, he has aged well.

 Since last Friday, we've known that Chirac will not run for another mandate. It seemed absurd that he should do so anyway, but now the age factor has been multiplied by the health factor, and that makes it totally impossible, and that's why the fight has erupted between his successors.

 That gives the possibility of extending the range but also of carrying out something other that a massive strategic strike.

 The defeat is extremely serious for the prime minister. It will be difficult for him to regain credibility and clout and to be a candidate for the next presidential elections.

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