6 ordspråk av Donna Mollet

Donna Mollet

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 That's pretty phenomenal in our industry. We expect 2006 to be probably the best year ever.

 We get a lot of support through the year, but December is our biggest month. Through the rest of the year, you try to figure out how to stay successful to keep it going.

 We got into (this business) for the love of wine. We just really enjoy a wide, wide range of wines and have an appreciation of many types of wines.

 We had people who were looking for places to go on Thursday and Friday evenings, so we tapped into those nights. We also started making our own handmade pizzas. So that works out very nicely, that we can offer food, right here on site. And we do the hot, fresh baked breads and the dipping oils, too. Usually on the weekends is when we see the people from out of town.

 We had to decide what direction we were going to take this business, so we focused on the entertainment aspect.

 What we have discovered is that it is very hard to survive as a little Mom and Pop winery. And we knew we had to come up with a lot of different ideas to make the business successful. You had to get bigger.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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