29 ordspråk av Douglas Muzzio

Douglas Muzzio

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 It's the political question of the year: what happened to Gifford? There are two major surprises in this election. One is how poorly Gifford ultimately did, and the other one is really how well Anthony did.

 The difficulty now is going out and raising money,

 The difficulty now is going out and raising money. Spending 80% of your time begging for money - it's so debilitating on a candidate.

 The flip side is that there are a lot of issues that are unresolved, such as overcrowding. But it doesn't seem as if the [Democratic] candidates have been able to put together a coherent, cogent and compelling critique of the mayor and a blueprint of what they would do differently.

 There is a perception that he's trying to take advantage - and he is, ... But this is not a social tea, this is hardball politics, this is a bare-knuckle brawl in the real world. You do what you have to within the bounds of the law.

 There is a perception that he's trying to take advantage - and he is. But this is not a social tea, this is hardball politics, this is a bare-knuckle brawl in the real world. You do what you have to within the bounds of the law.

 There is some truth to 'You've come a long way, baby, ... They're fighting it out on the premier media stage in the world.

 There's got to be a little bit of redemption there. He knows he screwed up.

 There's no such thing as overkill. It's the law of the street. You put the other guy down and you kick him until he can't get up. Why take a chance? There are plenty of guys who have been 20 points up and have blown it.

 This is really a comedy of errors and missteps for the candidate, the party, the consultants, everybody. Everybody wants an opponent like these guys.

 To do it legislatively is a big mistake. It's bad policy to explicitly overturn the judgment of the voters, and it's bad politics because they're going to get hammered, and rightly so.

 Total anonymity is not in the mayor's best interest, and so you have this game of the known anonymous giver. But who can blame him: He's giving $100 million, so he wants a little credit, but he doesn't want to be seen as trumpeting his giving.

 Voters understand that turning a bureaucracy like that around is like turning around a battleship,

 Weld is an established guy and he's got credentials. He's got what boxers call a puncher's chance in this.

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