34 ordspråk av Dwayne Jarrett

Dwayne Jarrett

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 It just shows we're very looked at. It just shows how much they respect us. It gives us motivation to play hard.

 It was actually a play just to get a first down. The play was originally for Steve, and Matt checked it down.

 It's 15 minutes away so it's like a home game for us.

 It's always good to be on top, but at the same time we're focused and coach Carroll always reminds us, 'Don't worry about who's No. 1 or No. 2. Just stay focused,'

 It's like we're in Seattle or something.

 John David's had a lot of experience along the way. He was the man all spring, when Matt was out. He handles pressure real well. If there was a freak thing and he had to play, he'd do real well for us.

 Other college teams don't experience what we get to experience. We get the best of both worlds. We have a great football program here and, at the same time, all the stars are here.

 That Oklahoma guy that thought the only guy we had on the team was Reggie? ... I guess he's kind of eating his words right now.

 The intention is to put together a team for Champs.

 There was a lot of pressure. I was a big recruit. I just took it day by day.

 They have high hopes, and I'm pretty sure they're going to be successful.

 We are the leaders, ... Without us, it's hard to move the ball downfield. Steve and I complement each other. He's a short, quick receiver.

 We just have to stay focused and just prepare and just go out there and execute our plays and worry about the history stuff after the game. All of that doesn't even matter if we don't prepare for this game and we don't go out there and win.

 We like it because it makes us push and work harder every day just to stay on top. Being No. 1 is just going to make us push each other and compete at the highest level out here and just work as a team.

 We made it happen,

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