13 ordspråk av Elliott Stonecipher

Elliott Stonecipher

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 All of this favors the top, best known candidates.

 His one shot is to get enough of the whites who liked him four years ago to like him again.

 I think the most polite term that you can use is disarray ... The party apparatus seems to have taken a knockdown, if not a knock out punch.

 I think the most polite term that you can use is disarray. The party apparatus seems to have taken a knockdown, if not a knockout punch.

 I'm believing that the greatest displacement occurs among those who are traditionally Democratic voters.

 On Election Day there is a well-oiled machine that knows how to turn those votes out from specific neighborhoods and in specific ways.

 There is a legitimate fear on the part of some African-Americans that it is happening. I don't know of a place where this kind of demographic shift has ever occurred. It is a huge, huge shift.

 There will be absentee balloting by mail that runs right up to the day before Election Day.

 They want the things Louisiana already has. What they don't want is income taxes and sales taxes as high as we have in the metropolitan areas.

 To me, it seems like it's relatively out of left field.

 You are going to have candidates going into their hotel suites to watch the returns, knowing that anything could happen.

 You are going to see everything you can imagine in campaigning.

 You have three election days for people scattered over 50 states.

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