There's a lot of money with a lot of big law firms that have a tremendous amount at stake by getting the right language to convince the right jury that my client is either innocent or that the opposition is guilty. |
There's a problem with political polling in that you have so much pressure to do what your client wants you to do and say what your client wants you to say. I've never felt that pressure. I am independent of the political parties. |
Traditional market researchers are cold and calculating and scientific. |
We as Americans and as humans have very selective hearing and very selective memory. We only hear what we want to hear and disregard the rest. |
We as Americans assume that big companies are bad, and big power companies are even worse. |
We decide based on how people look; we decide based on how people sound; we decide based on how people are dressed. We decide based on their passion. |
We don't want our messages screamed at us. We don't want to be yelled at. |
What have I done that's wrong if I provide someone like a Rudy Giuliani or a corporation like a Pfizer language that helps them explain or educate? I've simplified the process for them, which allows them to explain. |
What matters most in politics is personality. It's not issues; it's not image. It's who you are and what you represent. |
When it comes to taxes, nothing matters more to Democrats than the principle of 'fairness,' and when it comes to the Death Tax, Democrats and Republicans alike see it as absolutely unfair. |
Words can sometimes be used to confuse, but it's up to the practitioners of the study of language to apply them for good and not for evil. It is just like fire; fire can heat your house or burn it down. |
you can't shut people up. |
You cannot lie ever, because a lie destroys the credibility of the product, and credibility is more important than anything. Credibility's even more important than clarity. |
You could potentially have someone who bypasses Iowa and New Hampshire and focuses on Florida. |
You owe (DeLay) your majority. He's where he is today because he sacrificed himself to gain those extra seats. |