272 ordspråk av Friedrich Max Muller

Friedrich Max Muller

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 They depart with their thoughts well-collected, they are not happy in their abode; like swans who have left their lake, they leave their house and home.

 They lead a tamed elephant to battle, the king mounts a tamed elephant; the tamed is the best among men, he who silently endures abuse.

 They who are ashamed of what they ought not to be ashamed of, and are not ashamed of what they ought to be ashamed of, such men, embracing false doctrines enter the evil path.

 They who imagine truth in untruth, and see untruth in truth, never arrive at truth, but follow vain desires.

 They who know what is forbidden as forbidden, and what is not forbidden as not forbidden, such men, embracing the true doctrine, enter the good path.

 This body is wasted, full of sickness, and frail; this heap of corruption breaks to pieces, life indeed ends in death.

 This is the way, there is no other that leads to the purifying of intelligence. Go on this way! Everything else is the deceit of Mâra (the tempter).

 This mind of mine went formerly wandering about as it liked, as it listed, as it pleased; but I shall now hold it in thoroughly, as the rider who holds the hook holds in the furious elephant.

 This world is dark, few only can see here; a few only go to heaven, like birds escaped from the net.

 Those white bones, like gourds thrown away in the autumn, what pleasure is there in looking at them?

 Those who are ever watchful, who study day and night, and who strive after Nirvâna, their passions will come to an end.

 Those who are in earnest do not die, those who are thoughtless are as if dead already.

 Those who are slaves to passions, run down with the stream (of desires), as a spider runs down the web which he has made himself; when they have cut this, at last, wise people leave the world free from cares, leaving all affection behind.

 Those who bridle their mind which travels far, moves about alone, is without a body, and hides in the chamber (of the heart), will be free from the bonds of the tempter.

 Those who love nothing and hate nothing, have no fetters.

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