3 ordspråk av Gary Bredow

Gary Bredow

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 I thought it was really important to educate the people on this faceless type of music because there is a face, there is an origin, and that origin is Detroit. To understand the music, you have to understand the city. And to understand the city, you have to understand its people.

 The driving force behind it was a strong interest in film and a strong desire to really know the full story of this music. I didn't want to abide by anybody else's rules. I wanted to make it myself. Why work for someone else?

 When you're chasing down something that everyone tells you is impossible or a stupid dream, if you've got the heart and the confidence in yourself, you're going to do whatever it takes, so I've done pretty much whatever it's taken to make this film. I'm going to ride my luck train. Maybe it's not luck. I won't give up, I don't want to let it go, this is what I love.

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