There is no cure for birth and death other than to enjoy the interval |
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. |
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. The dark background which death supplies brings out the tender colors of life in all their purity. |
There is no dunce like a mature dunce |
There is nothing sweeter than to be sympathized with. |
There is nothing to which men, while they have food and drink, cannot reconcile themselves. |
Those who cannot remember the past, |
Those who disregard the past are bound to repeat it. |
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it |
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it |
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. |
Those who speak most of progress measure it by quantity and not by quality |
To be brief is almost a condition of being inspired |
To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. |
To condemn spontaneous and delightful occupations because they are useless for self-preservation shows an uncritical prizing of life irrespective of the content. |