26 ordspråk av Gisele Bundchen

BR  Gisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen föddes den July 20th 1980
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 I do love fireworks, and I have missed them before, and I can't miss them again-oh, that would be horrible!

 I don't like Paris so much, and it's only eight shows. I mean, don't tell them that, of course. But everyone always thinks they're so important. And I'm sure they are. But to me, my happiness is more important.

 I don't think anyone likes to see a picture of themselves in a tabloid, besides a couple people who I'm not going to mention.

 I don't wear fur and I understand their cause. I am the biggest animal lover in the world. I have four dogs and two horses, and I have rescued animals all my life.

 I just feel very honored and very happy, ... I just feel very happy to have achieved something in my career that I wanted -- and I'm sure every girl that started in this business always wanted.

 I live in the West Village,

 I live in the West Village. I go every day to work on my bike. It's faster than a car - and cheaper.

 I love volleyball. I trained until I was 14, which was when I left home. My dream was to be either a volleyball player or a veterinarian, because I love animals.

 I never really thought about being an actress or being anything like that. I was always a bit scared as well because of the thing about models becoming an actress and all that.

 I think 25 is a great year; I think every year is a great year, ... I feel like life is so special and so great, every year I feel like I learn more, and I grow, and I think it's exciting to grow up. Twenty-five is so far, so good.

 I think it's better when you're natural, when you just do whatever you want, instead of doing classes where I see all these other people holding back because they've been trained with certain skills or techniques. I'm like, whatever.

 I was somebody who was 14 years old and who got an opportunity to do a job where I could make money, and, most important, to go to school and to help my family financially. And luckily I was successful in my job, thank God. And there were a lot of people my age who didn't have that freedom I had and I'm grateful.

 I wouldn't say I'm going to quit modeling and become an actress, especially because I can't do that because I have contracts, but I definitely enjoyed it. I wouldn't call myself an actress, but I at the same time, if there is an opportunity... I believe in taking chances and living your life.

 I'm a very private person. I like staying home and doing my stuff. I hate people invading on my privacy. I hate talking about my private life. You almost feel like they're invading your space, you know? I really hate that. I think that's very disrespectful and I think they should have a law against that.

 I'm a workaholic. I've been doing my job for a long time.

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