26 ordspråk av Greg Sterling

Greg Sterling

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 The wireless stuff is pretty far out. It'll be a few years at least before there is widespread adoption of wireless search.

 There is a lot of inertia in the small-business market, which relies on sales representatives to call them or visit.

 There seems to be parallel development going on among all the major players,

 There's a lot of miscellany in there that's not particularly relevant coming from the sites I've been to, ... For instance, there's a lot of stuff on Fox News, which I really don't care about...Over time it will get better. I would give it a six on a scale of 10.

 There's a lot of miscellany in there that's not particularly relevant coming from the sites I've been to. For instance, there's a lot of stuff on Fox News, which I really don't care about...Over time it will get better. I would give it a six on a scale of 10.

 They're trying to do a lot of different things to provide for a variety of needs out there. They've had mixed success. But there's a lot of creativity and they're striving to capture more advertisers.

 This is mobile e-mail for the rest of us, who have normal or tiny screens.

 This reflects a move into other traditional media where there's a lot more money circulating. It moves them closer to this goal of being a comprehensive, one-stop ad-buying platform for any media.

 This whole space is going to consolidate because it can't support lots of players. Ultimately, I expect Mamma.com will be acquired. It's hard to believe these companies will survive as stand-alone entities.

 When instant messaging is like Las Vegas, with all kinds of advertising banners, it's very distracting.

 Whether FON ultimately succeeds or fails, the development of low-cost or free-access broadband networks will undoubtedly continue. Broadband is of critical importance to anyone whose business model is tied to the Internet.

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