12 ordspråk av Harvey Starbuck

Harvey Starbuck

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 Anytime a kid goes through the back door it takes a ton of heart.

 Coming in, I knew it would have to be a good combo of front and back door for us to do well.

 His record speaks for itself. There were a lot of people over here that placed that he wrestled sometime during the year and he beat the vast majority of them.

 If you wrestle a tough team tough it makes you a better wrestler. I think we did that.

 It was good to see kids that normally aren't the heroes come through.

 It was hit or miss throughout the day.

 It's just a great feeling. We felt a little bit of that pressure and after Friday night for those kids to come back, it was just tremendous. It's a testimony to how hard they worked and knowing what they needed to do to come back. They did a great job. I can't say enough about all their hard work and what they did getting here.

 Some were battling injuries and sickness; it would have been nice to have seen what they could have done.

 Sometimes he may look like he's not in it but Kyle is just a solid wrestler.

 We knew they had a good team coming in with a bunch of of good individuals. It was an ugly win, but we'll take it and try to fix the things that hurt us.

 We knew we were going to have to do it through the back door because we knew we didn't have enough through the front door. It just kept building. We won 10 of 12 matches Saturday morning and that was key right there. We won the three matches in consolations and we knew then no one could catch us - although we had to keep double-checking just to make sure.

 Wrestling is so much a mental sport they need to make sure they're not over-estimating or under-estimating anyone. Just stay focused and do the things they do well.

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