18 ordspråk av Inayat Bunglawala

Inayat Bunglawala

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 He has been doing so at regular intervals and has miserably failed every time.

 I think this type of activity by U.S. forces will only further anger the Muslim population of Iraq,

 Most of Europe would not dare mock the Holocaust, and rightly so.

 Most of Europe would not dare mock the Holocaust, and rightly so. Newspaper editors exercise good judgment every day when it comes to printing material so as not to cause offense, so why not on this occasion?

 Mr. O'Brien should be addressing his comments to Christians. I think Muslims are surprised that many Christians don't take their faith so seriously.

 The placards that were on display were quite disgraceful and in our opinion seemed to constitute a clear incitement to violence, even murder.

 The purpose (of the rally) is to put across the mainstream Islamic viewpoint.

 The US government needs to demonstrate that it is prepared to be more even-handed in its relations with Muslims and Muslim countries.

 These newspaper editors should have exercised better judgment. This situation is ripe for exploitation by extremists.

 This clear flaunting of Islamic Law by displaying pictures of scantily clad women will only add fuel to sentiments that the U.S. is trying to undermine Muslim culture in Iraq. It risks alienating the actual population.

 This is a very delicate situation which is ripe for exploitation. This plays into the hands of Muslim extremists. Many people at Friday prayers will want to express their anger, but we say do it within the law.

 This man has never set foot in the United States; he has lived in Britain his whole life. If he has done something wrong, this is where he should be put on trial.

 This particular U.S. administration has upset many Muslims in the UK and around the world ... so it is not particularly surprising that the visit to a Blackburn mosque has had to be canceled.

 Those comments were made some 12 or 13 years ago. All of us may hold opinions which are objectionable, but they change over time. I certainly would not defend those comments today.

 We are especially concerned that senior Islamic scholars will be barred from the UK purely on the basis of media witch-hunts orchestrated by pro-Israeli elements,

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