20 ordspråk av Isaac Mizrahi

Isaac Mizrahi

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 A muscle in the back of this leg was bothering him. So it was best to take him out.

 All of my research is about the middle class in 1965. It's about servicing those people in the ?60s. What do jockey shorts look like in the '60s? That actually was one of my favorite fittings on Patrick. The jockey short fitting!

 Because my feet get claustrophobic, actually. Seriously.

 Being a fashion designers, it's almost like being a doctor. You can touch a person because they cough and you can tell whether they're ill.

 create their own worlds with that information.

 Eclecticism is a good thing, ... This stuff is designed to mix. I'm not trying to tell people what they have is not good. (That's) just wasteful, just wrong.

 He's on his high horse. He'll be on his damn high horse again.

 I am going to meet people and I love doing that, and I'm not going to put a mask on to meet people now because of whatever interesting controversy was raised at the Golden Globes.

 I don't know if kids will love it,

 I don't want it taken too seriously, I want to encourage people to surround themselves with fun, colorful things. It's all about color.

 I want hair to have attitude like clothes ... Those are the models that interest me most. The ones that have real attitude, that look like they have a life and they don't just wait around for people to style them. You know, they bring something to the table.

 I was not expecting that at all. I thought this girl is all prim and proper on the outside, but she's a wild woman on the inside.

 I'm going to be so good I'm going to have a halo by the end of the night. I'm not going to talk about body parts anymore, or underwear. I've been warned.

 I'm sorry, I can't help myself.

 I?m sorry, I can?t help myself.

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