9 ordspråk av James Montier

James Montier

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 I can't see them dashing back into equities. People have to be feeling raw about the whole state of the economy. Are they really going to commit to stocks when they're not even sure about their jobs?

 If the price of commodities drops due to a change in the fundamentals relating to China, then the speculative element of the market is running in the air without any support.

 Sarbanes-Oxley is going to lead in general to higher-quality earnings, ... It's going to be harder to create Mickey Mouse numbers.

 Sarbanes-Oxley is going to lead in general to higher-quality earnings. It's going to be harder to create Mickey Mouse numbers.

 The corporate sector -- the guys who are supposedly in the know -- they're all selling.

 The reality is they're not paying out enough anyway. There are all these companies that are sitting on top of cash hoards. The next big battle for corporate governance is for companies to start paying dividends again.

 They're terrified of missing out on the upside. The cult of equities is alive and well.

 Venezuela has historically a pattern of stabilization plans that then fail,

 [One big problem is that it will be tough to make comparisons from year to year.] It's going to be a huge up-and-down see-saw, ... I've been eagerly awaiting this and now it looks nonsensical.

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