504 ordspråk av Joe Girardi

Joe Girardi

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 The spots are slowly [shaping up]. First, there was like 10 starters, and now it's down to seven.

 The walks in the eighth killed us. Pierre gets on, but his run doesn't mean anything. We walked the next two guys. That puts us in a tough situation. J.J. gets the ground ball. I thought we tried to do too much instead of just getting the one out. We tried to get two outs -- get one out.

 The WBC will provide a lot of excitement, so it's a good thing, but I'm going to miss my players, no doubt about it.

 The winning teams I've been on, there's always been a clear-cut closer. I think that's important. But I guess we're going to play the hand we're dealt with and see what happens in the next three weeks.

 The Yankees, usually they have one of the 25-man roster they're not sure who they're taking. We have like two that we know we're taking. It's about as opposite as it can be.

 Their young shortstop has power. And we didn't pitch him the way we're supposed to.

 There are no assurances in life,

 There are times when you have to learn to pitch with the lead. To me learning how to pitch with the lead is harder than learning how to pitch when you're behind. That's what we need to learn how to do.

 There is a fine line between being able to control your body and having all that energy. He's learning how to do it. He wants to get a hit so bad that he will do anything it takes. If you told him to stand on his head, he would try it. Sometimes you try to make up for two weeks in one day. It doesn't work that way. You're anxious to get a hit. You're in a hurry to get a hit.

 There is a lot on the line here for MLB. I know [the WBC] is good for the game. Nobody better get hurt.

 There is probably not a lot of good that can come from me saying anything.

 There is something about their eyes that is different. I remember thinking about Andy Pettitte. I could tell by the way Andy was looking at you if he was going to have a good day or a bad day. When he was in the windup or the stretch, he had that look about him. And I see that in Vargas.

 There was no joy going to the park and I couldn't figure out why I was playing. When my mom died, I came home from the Cape Cod League. I drove home, saw her take her last breath, went to the funeral and left the next day. I never really grieved, and it hit me 2 1/2 years later. You never know when something is going to hit you. It could be the death of a parent, a grandparent or friend. You have to handle it the best way you can.

 There was some really good pitching from both sides. I think there were a few jitters from our side, but for the most part, our guys gave us an opportunity to win that game. I think every day, that's all you can ask for.

 There was something riding on the game. The losing team has to serve the winning team until 12:30 when we play Baltimore [Thursday]. If Lenny [Harris] wants someone to get his lunch, someone has to go get his lunch.

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