465 ordspråk av Joe Maddon

Joe Maddon

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 You have to finish it off too. The other team has a chance to come back and we kind of finished it off and that was nice to see. That was a pretty big deficit we came back from.

 You have to get good pitching to beat the Red Sox, period. They win a lot of close games. We've got to beat them at their own game sometimes also. When you have pitching like they do, you can't expect to come in here and go toe-to-toe with them and beat them 9-8 all the time. You're just not going to do it.

 You have to get good pitching to beat the Red Sox, period. When they have pitching like they do, you can't expect to come in here and just try to go toe-to-toe with them and beat them 9-8 all the time. You're just not going to do it. So we got a good pitching performance and won tonight.

 You have to look for heavy patterns. You just don't do it. Once you see the heavy patterns you go with it. When a guy hits a single to left when he normally hits a ball 13 rows up, I'll take the single to left.

 You have to take advantage of those situations.

 You hear conjecture about a whole bunch of different things and you never know what to believe, ... They know we're busy right now. That's fine.

 You just look at his demeanor on the mound. I really liked his presence.

 You learn how to win.

 You need it in a sense, and it's just good for morale, by the guys seeing that one guy can turn the whole thing around in nine innings, basically - which is what he did. I do like the idea of complete games. That's a momentum-builder for him - personally and in his career - and for us.

 You probably need a seven- to nine-man pitching staff among starters to really get through a season. I would say seven, maybe eight. You're always looking for what's going to happen, Plan B, Plan C, Plan D, in case of a breakdown.

 You want to go talk to him?

 You watch him during BP, he's very strong. It doesn't surprise me he's hitting the ball that well.

 You're a great defender, man. With those kind of feet, you should be a great defender.

 [Jackson] really did up some people. We know what we thought, but we think that even more now. That was a tremendous performance on his part, but his day is coming. It's getting closer.

 [The Rays situation] is really interesting, ... From the front office people to the players themselves, there's a lot to be excited about [in Tampa Bay].

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