325 ordspråk av John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft föddes den May 9th 1942
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 To say that the Republican Party has been involved in some sort of water torture for America is to simply ignore the fact that this water torture has been inflicted by the president, ... Meet the Press.

 To those who pit Americans against immigrants, citizens against non-citizens, to those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve,

 Today a U.S.-based charity that claims to do good works is charged with funding the works of evil,

 Today marks the culmination of a tremendous conversation that Janet (his wife) and I have had with the American people. It's the end of that conversation but for all the heartland conservatives whose cause was our campaign, the faith endures, the fight continues and the future is bright because the best is yet to come,

 Today U.S. law enforcement initiated the most aggressive enforcement action to date against illegal software piracy,

 Today's decision will allow the approved settlement to provide certainty and stability in a vital sector of America's economy,

 Today's terrorists enjoy the benefits of our free society even as they commit themselves to our destruction,

 Today, I can report to you that our investigation has uncovered several individuals, including individuals who may have links to the hijackers, who fraudulently have obtained or attempted to obtain hazardous material transportation licenses,

 Tragically, this decision of the court to reverse Congress' prohibition of 'virtual' child pornography has left law enforcement at an extreme disadvantage in the campaign against all child pornography,

 Very frankly, I think the courts need to find a way to respect the Constitution and defend our children. And we've got to be very careful that we don't energize individuals whose object it is to abuse the children of America, and to have that happen on the Internet, ... Larry King Live.

 very important signaling to the Islamic Group.

 was made possible by the cooperation and help of Swiss authorities.

 was providing the necessary assistance to help calm and resolve the situation.

 We always have to be careful that the rights which America stands for are not sacrificed,

 We are a nation called to defend freedom - a tradition that is not a grant of any government or document, but is an endowment from God

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