4 ordspråk av Jon Reichardt

Jon Reichardt

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 She wasn't our leader in a lot of categories, but she was the most consistent all-around player for us, our main leader. She plays a constant game. She's someone you can keep in and keep everything going. She controlled the game for us, and it's hard to find athletes who can do that for you. It's been a long time since I had someone like that, for the boys and girls.

 The defense was great, we scored the ball when we needed to and the girls played great.

 We take our defense seriously. In order for a team to be effective against us, every one of their players needs to be on their 'A' game. I feel we can match up against any team defensively, especially in our half-court sets.

 We want to win every league game possible. We don't want to have a tie for first. We want to go out as the No. 1 seed.

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