50 ordspråk av Jonathan Turley

Jonathan Turley

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 As a practical matter, prosecutors don't go to grand juries for a misdemeanor.

 Democrats are in open disarray in the Senate. This is not the type of fight you win by coming late to it.

 for Ashcroft to serve as attorney general and to protect the right to choose despite his own personal views in opposition.

 He can argue he has an evil twin, but that's it, because that evidence is rather conclusive,

 He's a man who seems to take his legacy seriously, ... The last thing he wants is to be viewed as the man who ran through Roberts on a party vote.

 He's basically being put to death for the act of omission. There would be no limit to how far this type of theory could be used.

 I think she got confused. It's very surprising.

 I'm making tapes for insomniacs to use in the future. I'm going to sell them as a kit to cure insomnia.

 I'm sort of astonished by it. It's like a completely different team at the White House is handling it.

 If you believe the president violated criminal provisions of the law, I don't see how it wouldn't qualify. ... If the president commits a criminal act, you are obligated to hold impeachment hearings.

 It only magnified the low sentence given the defendant in the case. While prosecutors may have been personally gratified by it, it only tended to highlight the fact that this was not a very successful prosecution.

 It's a system that is at war with itself.

 It's hard to describe how many parts of the U.S. Constitution this law actually violates . . . It interferes with constitutional guarantees regarding contracts (to rent rooms), families, equal protection, even First Amendment issues like freedom of association. ... It's hard to believe any attorney actually reviewed this law.

 It's highly ironic that it was the conservatives on the court who overturned so many statutes,

 It's not particularly surprising that a fight between a former stripper and a millionaire's son is good copy. What is surprising is that this case is going to end up in a dozen casebooks and that Anna Nicole Smith will become the mother of probate law for many generations to come. That's not bad for a stripper.

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