29 ordspråk av Kelvim Escobar

Kelvim Escobar

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 It has been a tough year and we've struggled at times, but we're still in first place and that is the bottom line. It is good to see us come from behind the last couple of nights. Hopefully we can keep doing that. We have some tough games coming up and hopefully we can make the playoffs.

 It has been a tough year for me. I went on the DL three times. I had the bone chip and the bone spur. To get to the point that I am right now, it makes me feel good.

 It may seem weird but I felt so good, I can't believe I gave up eight runs. My stuff was there but my location wasn't there.

 It was an honor to start the home opener and against a team like the Yankees. It's very exciting. At the same time, it was just another game.

 It's great, reaching the goal that we wanted to when we got here. Advancing to the second round makes us feel pretty good and we're ready for the challenge.

 It's something special. It's an honor to pitch the home opener, especially against the Yankees. They're always good. Every year, they've got a great lineup. They are great hitters, but you can't give them too much credit. What makes that lineup different is anyone can hurt you. That's what makes them different from other teams.

 My mechanics were good. I had command of my fastball ... I was changing speeds.

 Right now, I feel great. I don't think I have felt like this in a long time. I was feeling the bone chips for years.

 Some people might think that it was a bad time to come back into a game, but I thought it was great. I love the challenge. I love to be aggressive. Just go after people. Throw strikes. Get the job done.

 That was the game. That play right there was the key.

 The fourth inning was what got me in trouble. You have to minimize things because you can't do too much with the bases loaded.

 This may sound strange, but I felt really good out there; I wasn't even thinking about my finger. My stuff was good and I feel good. But my location wasn't where I wanted it.

 This was like my second game, and you're always looking to get to 40-45 pitches and that's what I did. It's been awhile for me since I've been out there and thrown that many pitches so I'm very pleased with the way things went today.

 You don't want to see anybody celebrate in your house.

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