515 ordspråk av Ken Macha

Ken Macha

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 We're going to hit. Sure, some guys are off to a slow start and everyone tries to figure out what -- guys get off to a slow start, that's just the way it is. The pitching picked us up in Seattle and did very well.

 We're hoping that last year was just one of those years where he had a bad year. I thought he swung the bat a lot more aggressively in Spring Training. We're hoping to get some results.

 We're just not playing consistent ball right now. The starting pitching has been very inconsistent, and the offense has also.

 We're not doing anybody any good - ourselves or him. We know he's a lot better player than he's shown.

 We're not going to play this guy if he has pain.

 We're not looking at a wild-card spot, ... (The Indians) have seven games with the Royals remaining. We'll have to focus on winning the division.

 We're not swinging very well, we're not pitching very well. We're getting whipped pretty good every day.

 We're on an extremely difficult road trip, and we're 3-3. If we come out of it 5-5, we should be in pretty good shape.

 We're still focused on the division. We knew this would be a difficult road trip.

 We've got a lot of young pitchers, and they've got a lot of young position players, ... There are a lot of similarities. In a small, low-budget kind of deal, you've got to have youth mixed in there. I think both sides have handled it well.

 We've got an extremely successful situation out there,

 We've got controversy in camp. It was a quiet camp until today. I think it's funny.

 We've got to try to remain optimistic.

 We've played a light of tight games with these guys here, ... Fortunately, we were able to get the last three outs for a change. Usually they put a rally to get past us, but not tonight. We have (19) games left in the season,

and every game is important.

 We've played very intense ball. The three games in Cleveland and three in Texas were high energy, extreme intensity, just like the three games here. We played nine games at a playoff-type intensity here on this road trip, ... I can't ask my players to do anything more than that.

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