8 ordspråk av Kevin Burbach

Kevin Burbach

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 (The Plainsmen) are not afraid to get out and run. But they will also be deliberate and get the shot they want.

 Ninety-nine percent of the time he will make good decisions with the ball. We are lucky to have a good player like Dane running the point.

 Sutherland has a nice team. They've got size, we had trouble battling them on the boards. We rely on the outside shot and tonight it wasn't always clicking for us.

 The seniors really played hard tonight. They did everything I asked and they just didn't get it done tonight.

 The seniors really wanted to come out and put on a final good show in this gym, I really wanted them to also. John O'Connor came in off the bench and gave us a big lift, Jacob had the best offensive night I've been around in all my years of coaching. Dane got him the ball when he needed it, and it's just a great team win.

 We knew Chase County has some good athletes and we knew they were going to come after us. They started in a man-to-man and we were able to execute some pretty good offense. We did a lot of good things on defense. It's a pretty good win. In the second half, we got tentative and Chase County turned up the heat a little and made it a little more difficult for us to flow.

 We needed a win like this, we've had two tough losses, the last at Hershey, where they played us great. We needed a game like this to get us over the hump, and I think we are ready to play.

 We were just taking what they were giving us in the first quarter. I think they were daring us to shoot (from outside).

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