9 ordspråk av Kevin Burden

Kevin Burden

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 It's really indicative of the economy and the slowing down of sales of devices and technology that's not deemed to be as critical to daily life as a PC,

 Motorola has always had problems with speed to market. They haven't done a good job with refreshing their product lines.

 Nokia is differentiating its enterprise Wireless email solution with a Network Operations Center-independent approach that will gain attention from operators and enterprises seeking cost effective alternatives in an increasingly crowded space.

 The emerging market is absolutely where the growth is right now.

 The makers are lawyers looking for a nice hook because the phones come at such a premium price tag. To sell these things, they have to offer more than a phone and e-mail.

 The NTP case will be a turning point for RIM. And it can go either way.

 The US Patent and Trademark Office has been somewhat embarrassed by how this thing transpired.

 They're nowhere right now. RIM is still the mobile enterprise solution that all others should be measured against.

 What is the propensity for people to take on one more monthly bill? Do you really want a service tagged to your watch when you've already got your cable service and your cell phone service?

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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