30 ordspråk av Kim jong il

Kim jong il

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 A man who dreads trials and difficulties cannot become a revolutionary. If he is to become a revolutionary with an indomitable fighting spirit, he must be tempered in the arduous struggle from his youth. As the saying goes, early training means more than late earning.

 Brother, please don't go!


 Great ideology creates great times.

 I am sure you have seen for yourselves and sensed how the Korean people feel towards the United States here in our country.

 I don't know what can be gained from it.

 I want to apologize and it will never be allowed to happen again.

 I was shocked when I heard my uncle, Soo Jo, was looking for me. I didn't expect him to be alive,

 In other words, one is responsible for one's own destiny and one has also the capacity for hewing out one's own destiny.

 infiltration by the U.S.

 involvement of various illegal activities.

 National defense is the sacred duty of the young and all other people.

 No faction is better or worse than any other. All come from the same mould; they are all products of capitalist influence in the working class movement. And they are a poison that destroys our Party and the working class movement in Korea.

 North Korea will attend the fifth round of six-party talks as scheduled, based on the commitments it has previously made.

 Overall relations between the North and the South have developed in favor of national reconciliation, unity and reunification.

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