Our priority now, our aim, is to get 25% market share. |
The protein market is growing rapidly and may reach $200 billion in 15 to 20 years, and we believe that PER.C6 has the potential to become the technology of choice for an attractive part of that market. |
There is nobody who can, with any certainty, forecast demand. But there is definitely not a need for increased capacity for custom manufacturing. Speculative investment of several hundred million dollars is not the wisest move. |
We see the potential for a production vehicle with tremendous flexibility, which is a real alternative to Chinese hamster ovaries, the current industry standard. We have set ourselves a target of 25% of all new proteins and monoclonal antibodies. For anything in development and reaching the market between 2015 and 2020, we want 25% of the production platform to be PER.C6. |