In the process of trial and error, Our failed attempts are meant to destroy arrogance and provoke humility. |
One piece of log creates a small fire, adequate to warm you up, add just a few more pieces to blast an immense bonfire, large enough to warm up your entire circle of friends; needless to say that individuality counts but team work dynamites. |
Relationships are like sparring; within the appropriate space, action and reaction naturally flow. |
Relationships flourish, when individuality,freedom and growth are respected. |
Remove the road blocks as you come across them. Otherwise, you will have to climb a high mountain. |
Seek a sanctuary, Respect it, as it is holy, Walk into it with a bare mind, bare feet and plain clothing, Nurture your body, mind and spirit through a healing ritual, Leave it with a pure heart until you find your way to it again. |
The essence of life is seeked through polarities such as , health and illness, happiness and suffering, wealth and poverty and so on. |
The key to a good life is simplicity, yet creating simplicity is so complex. |
The world can be viewed in many different ways, depending on the type of glasses we choose to wear, happy or sad ones, blue or red ones, or…. |
To keep life safe, Be conscious of the invisible red and green signals. |
We seek excellence, by constant trial and error. |
When you intentionally cross the red light, then you will consciously deal with the consequences. |