28 ordspråk av Michael Cuddyer

Michael Cuddyer

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 It was huge. By the way we celebrated on the field, it was about like we won the World Series.

 It's frustrating. It's tough. It's not easy to deal with. Certain guys deal with it in certain ways. That was probably his way of dealing with it.

 It's hard to imagine what he's been going through, to just get back out there and do what he's doing now. Being a rookie in itself is tough, and then to add in a whole year of not playing ...

 It's nice to have the deal done and be able to focus on Spring Training. We felt like we had a strong case and the Twins also felt that way, so it's great that we could get a settlement where both of us were happy with the result.

 It's nothing that I see taking a long time. I don't foresee it going into next week.

 Lew had the green light and I had a pretty good lead since the first baseman wasn't playing behind me. That jump-started things. That was huge for us.

 No matter if it's a come from behind win or a regular win. It's nice to have to build our confidence and build character in the clubhouse. It definitely helps the team. We're not giving up on each other.

 Obviously, the past week I haven't played at all in right field, so you know you can take that for what it's worth. Nothing has been said either way, but you read between the lines and that's what's out there.

 Over the past few years, I've learned that you never know what might happen and what position you might be asked to play. I'm just going to do my best to prepare for the 162-game season, and whatever the coaching staff has planned for me, I will do whatever they ask of me.

 The one thing we had to play for now is a winning record. To be able to rally like we have the last couple of days and ensure us a winning record, it's pretty good.

 The only thing we can do is go out and play hard now that we're out of the playoffs. (The four hits) is definitely exciting any time you can do something like that.

 We won one last week like this, so we'll try to do it again.

 You want to finish strong for a whole bunch of different reasons, as a team and individually. You never know what people are thinking or what their plans are for next year.

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