53 ordspråk av Michael Moran

Michael Moran

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 We were at a very high level in the prior months, it seemed likely that a correction was going to come at us. The level of new homes sales is still healthy and the housing market is reasonably strong and it's just that we are not maintaining the same robust sales levels that we saw in prior months.

 What I would conclude is that we are backing away from the robust levels of housing activity we saw in the spring and summer of last year, but there is by no means a swoon going on in housing activity just yet.

 When rate increases are demand-driven, meaning there are other, positive influences going on -- job growth, demand picking up, etc. -- in that case, the effect of higher interest rates is a small dampening, rather than one that puts the economy at risk,

 When rate increases are demand-driven, meaning there are other, positive influences going on -- job growth, demand picking up, etc. -- in that case, the effect of higher interest rates is a small dampening, rather than one that puts the economy at risk.

 With various indicators showing signs of softening, the Fed will probably hold steady on June 28, ... We do not think they are finished for the year, but they do not have a compelling case to push further ahead after a 50-basis-point adjustment in May.

 Without question, the rate changes by the Federal Reserve will have influences on peoples lives,

 Without question, the rate changes by the Federal Reserve will have influences on peoples lives. Borrowing rates are going to go up for things like car loans and mortgages. All of these things will influence the individual.

 [This is] the largest, most liquid market in the world, ... The size of the German bond market is minuscule. It cannot match what you have in the Treasury market.

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