36 ordspråk av Michael Stoops

Michael Stoops

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 We have been tracking and documenting what has been going on in Las Vegas since 2002. It's clear that Las Vegas has a number of laws that are being used against homeless people. It has a sorry history of criminalizing the homeless. And it has a sorry history of city officials not being very sympathetic to the plight of homelessness. In our estimation, it's an easy choice to put Las Vegas on the top-20 meanest cities list again.

 What happened in Fort Lauderdale will no doubt happen again. It might not be caught on videotape the next time, but I can assure you it will happen again.

 What happened in Holly Hill and what happened in Fort Lauderdale will happen again. It's just a matter of when and where.

 When people see the guy with the panhandling sign, that's the tip of the iceberg.

 Whenever you see a guy by the interstate ramp with a sign, that guy is the tip of the iceberg. There's another population you don't see.

 You guys are always a mean city. Las Vegas continues to harass and criminalize homelessness.

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