9 ordspråk av Michel Brunache

Michel Brunache

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 He said he was afraid for himself and his family and said he wanted more security. I was shocked when I heard he had left.

 His leukemia cannot be treated in Haiti. After his treatment, he has to return to face justice.

 It was obvious that the people had massively made a choice, and that we needed to make sure that choice was respected. No foreign power sat at the discussion. The solution was found purely among Haitians.

 Preval wins with 51.15 percent.

 Preval wins with 51.15 percent. On Feb. 7 the people made a choice. It is a historic day.

 Since last Tuesday, the government was looking for a solution out of the crisis. It was obvious that the people had massively made a choice, and that we needed to make sure that choice was respected.

 The diplomats backed the government in its efforts to appease the situation.

 We are looking closely at specimens of the ballots found at the dump, to check whether these are real ballots.

 We have no objection that he travel if ultimately this is what needs to be done for him to get treatment.

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