500 ordspråk av Mike Brown

Mike Brown

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 We were feeling good about ourselves, and then, they cranked it up a notch. They'll play with you, let you think you can play with them, and they the crank it up.

 We were forcing the action today,

 We were really flat coming out. But we got mentally tougher as the game went along.

 We will be in relation to the cap similarly to how we have been in recent years. Some years you're under. Some years you're over. Some years you're right there. It's just how it works. It's not quite as simple as people seem to want to describe it.

 We will have our hands full. It's not up to Larry to contain him. It's up to our team defense.

 We'll make our final selections and then probably go through another round of interviews.

 We'll stay the way we are right now. It may change later, maybe in the playoffs.

 We'll talk about it on the flight and tomorrow morning. He probably would be cleared to play. It is a discussion we'll have on the flight out.

 We'll wait to see how he is on a game-to-game basis.

 We're a small department. It looks good when these guys walk in.

 We're getting a little better but we have to figure out how to concentrate on the road and not miss free throws and get careless with the ball.

 We're growing as a team and that means having poise in pressure situations. When things get tight at the end of a game like that, you have to get a shot every time down the floor, make it a good shot, and knock in your free throws. We did that.

 We're having different guys step up, and that has been big for us to get these wins. I'm happy we stayed with the game plan and executed our offense, even when we got behind and found a way to get the win.

 We're not a finished product yet.

 We're not a good road team and so any way we can win on the road, we'll take it. It was a character win because we could have folded.

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