I expect now that the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission will use its teeth to investigate the individuals who have stepped aside, without any hindrance. |
If a country has to take a break in order to pray, that country is in a lot of problems. |
If it a case of abuse of office then the proper thing to do is to appoint a tribunal not a criminal prosecution. We are going to fight it because the whole thing is politically motivated. |
If you are accused of impropriety, you ought to permit your own investigation without sitting in the office where the impropriety may have occurred. |
There are a lot of people who still believe that the mere fact that you are charged is evidence of wrongdoing. To charge him with a crime leaves us no option other than to fight it out so that he has a chance when he leaves to continue his activities as an economist. |
This goes all the way to the top, including the vice-president and the minister of finance, so we consider it an extremely serious matter. The president should call fresh elections so the people can elect a government they trust in the task of eliminating corruption. |
This was long overdue. The public has been demanding that all those involved in corruption must resign and face the law, but it has taken the individuals involved and the government a lot of time to come to terms to the demands. |
We are going to ignore it because it has no value. It is pure nonsense and the former president will go on with ordinary life. |
We are going to ignore it totally. It has no value. That is nonsense. |