If you get on the wrong side of one, you can be stuck there for ten hours (because of the wind patterns). |
It has been a rough 15 hours. Yesterday afternoon [Tuesday] the wind came up to 30 knots from the south-east and some large and steep waves built up. We're launching off the waves at 11 knots and slamming down hard, making some awful sounds, so we even slowed her down for a while. You can't win if the boat breaks. |
It has been a strange start, to have to fly the boat to Cape Town. |
It was a great race today for all of us. The racing was really close and there were plenty of lead changes, so we all really enjoyed it. |
It was a scary situation. |
The breeze can be very unsteady on the bay so reading and reacting to the shifts is going to be huge. |
The good news is that there has been more wind than the forecast. But still upwind which is slow going. |
The race is a fantastic experience. I decided this whole thing about being a pirate and promoting a film is a great opportunity for our sport to branch out. |
This is going to be tricky, no question about it. It could be a very tough day on the water if the wind is light and fickle and the current becomes a factor. |
We are kind of coming away from a pure around the world race. But at the same time, we are adding value. I think this race needed to be creative to move forward. |
We can see them, they're six miles ahead of us, and we can't see anybody else. |
We worked together on that and there was a give and take both ways. They were very respectful of our needs as pro sailors...and I think we came up with a really good representation of pirates in a very classy, modern way. |
We're definitely fully into it, but we're not changing who we are. We're still professional sailors. |
Well, trepidation could be the term for it. Yes, we'll definitely exercise some judgment and caution with these boats. The typical Southern Ocean conditions will be rough for these boats. I think we know a little bit about them now, to be able to anticipate rough conditions and adjust the setup of the boat accordingly so we don't suffer damage. |