Police officers need up-to-date equipment and better technology to stay safe on the job while fighting crime, |
poorly researched, kitchen sink complaints. |
Small business in America is booming. The job creator in America, small business, is absolutely moving ahead. |
Some of these are hard steps to take, ... Hurricane Katrina has reminded us that we cannot escape these decisions. |
that will include the taxes for the president's marginal tax reductions ... and a rebate of the surplus, giving back to the people some of the surplus that exists this year. |
That would mean that taxes would be at the highest level in 50 years, ... create dozens of new government programs running Washington, and it chooses bigger government instead of smaller government. |
The best thing you could do to leave a legacy for America in terms of nuclear weapons is to [get this agency operational], |
The blackouts in America will remain alive and possible because we will have thrown out the window the reliability standards that are in this bill because some want to make the case on an issue like MTBE or the like, ... If you like blackouts, then you vote to kill this bill. |
the constant carping that we cannot do it because of environmental reasons. |
The economy needs to see a positive sign that we are concerned about the economy, ... Because of the economy and concerns that are growing, we're going to first try to do this as fast as possible. So the word is quick, or quickly, we're going to get this done. |
The Federal Trade Commission is not specifically subject to the jurisdiction of this Committee, but any oil company that is price gouging will find themselves in those witness chairs where they will be made accountable, |
The focus will now be with the Defense Department and its research into earth penetrating technology using conventional weaponry, |
The issue is a big issue, and, that is: 'Are we going to try to live within our commitment, and, that is, no new taxes to pay for new programs?' ... We're not going to use the Social Security trust fund. And, clearly, we are going to move ahead and try to keep our budget balanced. |
The leader intends to look at it in final form, but it seems like its OK and will be ready to present to [new Senate Majority Leader Tom] Daschle on Monday. It's good and I'm glad we're finished, |
the momentum is behind the simple more ... basic findings rather than the detailed ones. |