30 ordspråk av Peter Gignoux

Peter Gignoux

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 Altogether we're on target. The market's behaving very well right now.

 But having said that, the same problems still exist with the strike in Venezuela and the Iraq situation.

 By having a diplomatic meeting, they're ratcheting OPEC up one notch from a producers' cartel to a quasi-diplomatic organization. It's a rare occurrence,

 By having a diplomatic meeting, they're ratcheting OPEC up one notch from a producers' cartel to a quasi-diplomatic organization. It's a rare occurrence.

 Certainly the producers that I have talked to are worried about the second quarter.

 Certainly the producers that I have talked to are worried about the second quarter. They see demand tapering off and the prices moving lower. This thought process could be a driver at the meeting.

 Certainly, the producers that I have talked to are worried about the second quarter. They see demand tapering off and the prices moving lower. This thought process could be a driver at the meeting.

 I think it's a sure thing they are going to raise by a certain amount -- the question is how much more are they going to produce.

 I would expect that they'd steer clear of the oil installations. They're fundamental to the oil-for-food process,

 Oil always seems to attract inflammatory rhetoric. And this is just another case of it.

 Oil and politics are a volatile combination and we have two separate issues confronting the oil market at the moment.

 OPEC compliance numbers are good.

 OPEC is trying to micro manage the oil price at the upper end of the range,

 OPEC should be terribly pleased. Its income has gone up mightily last year and this year,

 OPEC should be terribly pleased. Its income has gone up mightily last year and this year.

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