25 ordspråk av Peter Misek

Peter Misek

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 After a string of unfortunate events for RIM, we believe the company has been boosted by the District Court's decision to elongate the final briefing timeline, while the Patent Office expedites its re-examination.

 As a conservative estimate, we believe this deal could have a total contract value in the $20 million range. The fact that this is a licensing agreement also entails that virtually all of the revenue will flow to the bottom line.

 EBay is an enormous competitor.

 Even with all the bad news surrounding RIM, they have not been able to announce even one major customer that is switching services.

 From the retail channels and the enterprise channels, it's all starting to filter out. You can't keep any of that really quiet for very long.

 I suspect what that means is that we should add 13 cents for the full year to our estimates. He's not usually that cryptic.

 I think as these device announcements that we're expecting out of RIM emerge, the stock is going to continue to move higher.

 I think it was the initial blush on subscriber numbers. That's what caused the stock to sell off.

 I think the big issues for the U.S. are going to be the server, PC and laptop unit volumes in the last quarter. The guidance for unit volume growth is in the high single/low double digits -- we think they'll beat that.

 If true, the impact of this partnership could be extremely positive for RIM.

 Implementing a work-around will only delay things.

 In our opinion, the judge's comments were more ominous for RIM than NTP. In the end, we believe both parties have more to lose by waiting for a verdict.

 It appears to be that their business is chugging along very well in spite of what must be the biggest publicity nightmare a company can face.

 It's a very high stakes poker match. I think what's going on here is that NTP was daring RIM to unveil the workaround to let them know whether or not they actually had one.

 It's a very high-stakes poker match. I think what's going on here is that NTP was daring RIM to unveil the workaround to let them know whether or not they actually had one.

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