34 ordspråk av Peter Spina

Peter Spina

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 Mining equities continued to march higher but overhead resistance is seen in many equities.

 News that the German government has deserted plans to invest proceeds from gold sales into a special fund assigned for research and education has given a boost to a weak gold market.

 Pullbacks are expected to bring in willing buyers.

 Silver is taking center stage ... with the news of Barclays' silver ETF a step closer to possible approval. We have some gold investors moving into the silver market.

 Silver is taking center stage...with the news of Barclays' silver ETF a step closer to possible approval.

 Silver stocks are powering ahead ... taking the HUI above the 315-316 resistance to all-time record highs.

 The buying over the last two days [in gold] has been in Asia, with the Europeans and Americans acting a bit nervous.

 The launch of the silver ETF is expected to draw large investment money into the silver markets, which would most indisputably take silver prices much higher.

 The main driver continues to be the silver ETF and this is taking [silver] to fresh 19-year highs.

 The market still shows interest in marching for the $600 level in the short run. But a break of the $540 area support will negate this and instead, we will have to [see] some more base building before the next run-up.

 The move on the HUI today above 350 is significant as it portends the move in gold to and past $600.

 The price [of silver] may move higher in anticipation of the launch, but once it hits the markets, initially the price may retreat after strong gains.

 The real action remains in silver, taking away from gold's luster.

 The typical investor has yet to discover the attractiveness of this asset -- the gold price is just starting to reflect this move as investment dollars flow in.

 This has resulted into greater attention to the juniors and exploration equities, with a renewed flow of speculative capital entering this sector over the past several weeks where some strong gains have been seen.

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